Being stuck inside all year got me thinking about the song "Apartment Story" by the National. How the things in my room make up who I am. I've always tied music to moments, and I express those moments through photography. Its become my main creative outlet. Now that I've got this record player and a collection of music that represents me, I thought I'd document it and it turned into a documentation of whats in my room, since its mid-winter and I've been staring at it for months. And hopefully the song provides an extra aesthetic to the photography.
"Tired and wired, we ruin too easy. Sleep in our clothes and wait for winter to leave. Stay inside til somebody finds us, do whatever the TV tells us. Stay inside our rosy-minded fuzz."

I got this new record player for christmas. It's kind of a kitcshe piece that looks like an old Ford Mustang radio deck. No matter, it fits my style. Some kind of vintage desert roadtrip thing. Music on, windows down, warm air rushing by me on the road to who knows where. It's a cool hobby to occupy myself with during the pandemic (collecting records). Listening to full album compilations in order is the original way the artist intended you to hear it.
